De Donkere Kamer
Welcome to De Donkere Kamer podcast! I'm Kaat Celis and my mission is to support and inspire as many photographers and photo enthusiasts as possible and to make photography a must have in everyone's life. In this podcast I take you into the fascinating world of photography, storytelling & entrepreneurship. And I uncover the stories behind all those images. Whether you are an established photographer or still at the beginning of your career or just crazy about photography? Get inspired and motivated! Come on, I'll take you with me.

#124 Vriendschap en fotografie: De huiselijke studio van Charlie De Keersmaecker

#123 ENG - Dare to be a beginner from time to time

#123 NL - Durf af en toe een beginner te zijn.

#122 Rust en reflectie: verjaardag in Patagonia met Kaat

#121 From old cameras to drones: Tomas van Houtryve's journey in photography

#118 Photography as Language: Bertrand Meunier on black and white and analog practices

#117 Groei samen met internationale experts en een sterke community bij CONNECT!

#116 Hoe Rob Hornstra het gewone leven vangt in zijn foto's

#115 Ik ga iets totaal anders doen.